
Scientific work: Optics and Physics

Scientific work aboard the CCGS Amundsen

Working group categories for sampling and research interests: Optics and Physics

We measure all of the physical parameters in each compartment of this continuum. Temperature, humidity, salinity, conductivity, wind speed and direction, etc.

We measure light (the most important element involved in primary production) as it comes from the sun and the surface of the snow and penetrates to the bottom of the water column. We measure its quantity (total energy) and quality (wavelengths) using various radiometers installed on top the bridge of the Amundsen (together with a complete met-tower measuring wind strength and direction and atmospheric temperature), close to the sea surface (HyperSas from Satlantic) or deployed both beneath the sea ice and in the water column (Wetlabs C-ops / IcePro).

We also measure the behaviour of light as it is modified by the sea ice and by the different constituents present in the water column, as well as how it’s absorbed and scattered by particulate matter or dissolved substances. These are so-called active-optic measurements. For this we use the optical-cage, a group of optical sensors that we deploy in the water at the end of a cable  to measure spectral absorption, Chlorophyll a and CDOM fluorescence, Bb9 for scattering, etc.

How are variables measured? 

Flavienne Bruyant


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