Tag Archives: Sampling work

Scientific work: Nutrients, PP and PI

Scientific work aboard the CCGS Amundsen

Working group categories for sampling and research interests:  Primary Production and related processes

On top of measuring “what is there” in term of quantities, scientists also do a lot of experiments to determine “what is going on there”. Mostly, they are interested in primary production (the first step of the food chain) and bacterial production.

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Scientific work: measurement and sampling

Nearly 50 full-station sampling days at the 2015 ice camp, between mid-March and mid-July, made possible the sampling of 20 different categories of measurements, completing a first field season. Findings about initiation and onset of the phytoplankton spring bloom are still undergoing from sample analyses in different laboratories. The expedition was a great success both in terms of science and in terms of integrating into the Inuit community of Qikiqtarjuaq (Nunavut, Canada).

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Science aboard the CCGS Amundsen: Cruise plan

Research icebreaker expedition

During the icebreaker expedition aboard the CCGS Amundsen, we are going to investigate the impact of the progression of ice melt  and the resulting changes in snow and sea ice properties on the phenology of phytoplankton.

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