Autodidact, Jean-Jacques Pangrazi begins his interest in photography in the 70′, learning the basics, developing and making his own silver-prints. Three decades later, he starts a career as photographer.
Fascinated by natural lights and a certain esthetic, he builds this career through images focused on a few selected topics, documented over many years. He has been revealed trough various exhibitions, recently in Monaco with Arctic Feelings, on one of his favorite themes : the Arctic. His work is distributed by some international agencies.
Since 2009, he has been collaborating with Takuvik and documenting the modern arctic oceanography, navigating twice through the North West passage onboard the CCGS Amundsen. He was in Qikiqtarjuaq with the scientists in 2015, documenting the installation of the ice camp. His blog illustrates his travel journal.
Credit: Jean-Jacques Pangrazi