Following our last post about the interactive and multimedia project In the wake of an ice-breaker in the Arctic, associated to the AOA educative website, the scientific team is setting up an original and innovative teaching device intended for primary schoolstudents, to allow them to discover the Arctic region, the scientific and non-scientific crew, as well as the challenges of the undertaking research in the area. Continue reading First Rendez-vous with children: Be curious about the ice-breaker!
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Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time
One of the particularities of being in Qikiqtarjuaq, and evidently of being beyond the polar circle, is the time and more precisely: the timing.
The dark side of ice coring
Ice coring, a central activity at the Ice Camp
One of the major habitats GreenEdge researchers are studying is the sea-ice. We are interested in its optical, physical and chemical features, as well as the life it supports. As such, one of the essential activities at the ice camp is the ice coring. We actually spend the full morning coring the entire ice thickness (which currently varies from 1.15 m to 1.50 m at the study site) with different cores (14.5 and 9 cm diameters) for different purposes, i.e. measurement of temperature and salinity gradients, nutrient content, chlorophyll a biomass, spectral properties, microbial genetic diversity, etc.