Credit: Jean-Jacques Pangrazi
Autodidact, Jean-Jacques Pangrazi begins his interest in photography in the 70′, learning the basics, developing and making his own silver-prints. Three decades later, he starts a career as photographer. Continue reading Autodidact artist, fascinated by natural lights →
On June 7, 2016, the GreenEdge team has organized many activities to showcase and explain the project, and to let kids sample and manipulate the scientific toys that they use daily. What a better way to learn than go and see for yourself?
Continue reading Scientists let kids manipulate their toys →
Once again, the Takuvik Joint International Laboratory rose to the challenge of the recent 24 heures de Science . With the participation of Québec-Océan , researchers and students volunteered for this event, sharing th eir knowledge wit h t he primary and secondary school students .
Continue reading Scientists took up the challenge of “les 24 heures de Science” →
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To understand the dynamics of the phytoplankton spring bloom and determine its role in the Arctic Ocean of tomorrow, including for human populations.