Yesterday, Jaypootie Moesesie (Qikiqtarjuaq, GreenEdge team member), Eric Brossier (Captain of the Vagabond / GreenEdge camp manager) and I returned from a four-day, pre-icecamp ice thickness survey of the fast ice southeast of Qikiqtarjuaq. The objective of the survey was to map the variability of sea ice in the region, and to identify regions of thin ice where strong ocean currents erode the ice from underneath. Those regions are important for the ice and water ecosystem because they open up early in the melt season. They also create slush which makes over-ice travel slower and less safe.
The Takuvik Team has been testing the ice camp airboatby driving in icy conditions, in order to be prepared for the campaign. Before the ice melted in Quebec city, our team tested the boat a second time.
The title of Artist in Residence in Qikiqtarjuaq was initiated by France Pinczon du Sel and is one of the projects supported by Vagabond. It was in this context that Christian Morel, a French photographer, came to the community for 16 days in March to create an artistic legacy.