Tag Archives: Qikiqtarjuaq

Chapeau à toute l’équipe!!!

The last sampling day occurred two weeks ago at the GreenEdge ice camp, on July 22th. The final team to leave Qikiqtarjuaq contacted me on July 27th from Iqaluit, which means WE DID IT! All the instruments are in Sea-Cans ready to be returned to Quebec City on the sealift, the samples were transferred to the CCGS Amundsen and will return to Quebec City in October.  Now is the time to do a little recap of the operations.  Everything, or almost everything, went according to plan, and we suffered no major injuries or losses of equipment. Continue reading Chapeau à toute l’équipe!!!

Rapid, dramatic changes of surface sea ice

Credit: Gauthier Verin

During the Arctic winter, a snow-pack forms over the sea ice. Typically 20-30 cm deep, it is thin relative to the thickness of the ice below. However, this snow layer plays a fundamental role in different domains. Snow is composed of small ice crystals surrounded by air. This very simple structure leads to two important physical properties: Continue reading Rapid, dramatic changes of surface sea ice

Nunavut day in Qikiqtarjuaq


9th of July is the official Nunavut Day and we had the chance to enjoy the celebrations with the community. It all started with the feast in the schools’ gymnasium, for menu we could find seal, maktak (Narval skin), caribou, bannock and stews composed of the different types of meat with vegetables. Once everyone had eaten and the gymnasium cleaned the activities could start.

Continue reading Nunavut day in Qikiqtarjuaq